Skin rejuvenation with radiofrequency pulses (rf-face lifting) is recognized as a safe, gentle and highly effective cosmetic procedure. The primary task of the impact is to restore the natural tissue renewal mechanism, make the skin elastic, taut, smooth out expression and age wrinkles. It is worth noting the important role of radiofrequency rejuvenation in preventing aging of the integument. The lifting of radio waves is performed on special equipment, the success of the procedure depends on its choice and the specified parameters.
The effectiveness of the method
Radio frequency (radio wave) rejuvenation is a kind of hardware cosmetological procedure. With the help of a special device, the cosmetologist directs the radiofrequency pulses to the problem, as a result, the temperature in the inner layers of the skin rises to 42-60 degrees. The conditions created activate the metabolic processes and the renewal mechanism of the fibers, the synthesis of its own collagen, the natural rejuvenation process of the skin takes place.

The indications for the use of radiofrequency radiation are:
- expression lines and age;
- pronounced nasolabial folds;
- signs of ptosis, soft tissue prolapse;
- photoaging of the skin;
- bags under the eyes;
- weakening of the tone, turgor of the integuments;
- decrease in tissue elasticity, laxity;
- double chin, floating oval of the face;
- scars, scars, stretch marks;
- after acne;
- residual marks on the skin from childbirth and sharp lose weight;
- cellulite.
RF lifting is considered a delicate technique, so it is used safely to troubleshoot sensitive areas around the eyes and mouth.
Age is not important for RF rejuvenation, butcosmetologists recommend the procedure for patients over the age of 30.It is during this period that a decrease in the resistance of the skin to age-related changes occurs, the rapid appearance of wrinkles, the integuments require additional support.
At the same time, RF radiation cannot correct the complex problems of mature skin. In this case, rf lifting is prescribed as an auxiliary procedure to oil lifting, blepharoplasty, SMAS technology.
You can run at home
Facial rejuvenation using special equipment requires special skills, professionalism, cosmetologists must first undergo appropriate training and practice. That is why rf lifting is the prerogative of beauty salons, beauty centers and clinics.
Modern cosmetology has somewhat expanded the possibilities of "home rejuvenation" lovers by offering portable RF lifting devices.They have a lower radiant power and guarantee a less pronounced effect, but regularity in combination with adequate facial care can smooth out this difference.
Attention!The radiofrequency face lift at home is lower in efficiency than the salon procedure. The key factor in this case is not the power, but the regularity and correctness of the procedures.
In order not to harm his health, the patientmust strictly adhere to the rules of use of the device, instructions and technology for lifting, to study in detail the contraindications to exposure to radiofrequencies. Cosmetologists strongly recommend for their own safety to undergo adequate training, attend hardware cosmetology courses.
To perform RF rejuvenation at home, you can't do without the expense of buying a portable RF lifting machine. They are light and easy to move.
Device Types
Devices for carrying out radiofrequency lifting by design are divided into stationary and portable.Fixed devices are used only for professional exposure, installed in clinics, beauty salons. They have a relatively large mass and size.
Portable devices are compact, easy to carry, so they are more convenient for lifting at home. Portable devices consist of an attachment (handpiece) and a main part (power supply).
In addition to the design features,all the equipment is divided according to the number of electrodes and the technology of its impact:
- monopolar- 2 electrodes are used: one is located under the patient, the second is represented by a nozzle, solves the problem area. Such devices are powerful, capable of heating the inner layers of the skin up to 60 degrees;
- bipolar- 2 electrodes are also used, but both are located in the handpiece (tip). This effect is softer, more economical. The maximum heating temperature of the skin is 45 degrees;
- multipolar or multipolar devices- involve the use of 3 or more electrodes, which alternately change polarity. This technology allows for a deep and uniform impact on the problem;
- matrixis a new generation of radio frequency exposure. Its peculiarity lies in the microneedle electrodes. The lifting of the needles is a delicate method, extremely safe and in many cases in terms of effectiveness it is comparable to a monopolar effect;
- combined or complex- such devices simultaneously combine radiofrequency radiation and other types of energy (for example, infrared radiation, laser beam).
Preparation for lifting
Radio frequency lifting does not require complex and time-consuming preparation for execution.The procedure is painless, so there is no need for anesthesia and the use of anesthetic creams.
If you want to get the maximum effect from the procedure without edema, hyperemia and other side effects, cosmetologists recommend 1-2 weeks before radiofrequency lifting, to rule out any skin lesions, including sunburn, acne squeezing and peelingand the use of scrubs. Drinking alcoholic beverages is also taboo.
Before using radiofrequency in home rejuvenation, it is important to visit a beautician.Will examine the skin, rule out contraindications and determine how often exposure should be performed and how many procedures will be needed.
An important point!Go to radio frequency lifting, take off jewelry, metal products.
Phased procedure
A radiofrequency face lift session is a short procedure, it will take no more than 30 minutes.It is executed in the following order:
- First of all, they cleanse the skin well with a special product. This is necessary to eliminate the remnants of makeup, to remove particles of grease and sweat, dirt, dust from the face.
- An anesthetic gel (cream) is additionally used in a beauty salon for 15-20 minutes. Home RF lifting machines are softer, shallower, so there is no need for pain relief.
- Depending on the equipment used, the experience of the cosmetologist, special marks can be applied. Its task is to ensure a uniform effect on the skin, excluding the skipping of entire areas.
- When working with monopolar devices, a pad is placed under the back or abdomen (for grounding). Modern equipment with bipolar and monopolar handpieces does not require it.
- For better smoothness of the nozzle and to ensure easy penetration of impulses into the client's skin, a special gel is used.
- In the next step, the beautician works on the entire surface of the face with radio waves. Areas with more serious problems need to be re-exposed. At the same time, the patient feels a slight warmth.
- At the end of the facelift, the remaining gel is removed from the face.
- The skin is moisturized with a cream.

Rehabilitation period
Any hardware effect on the skin causes redness and swelling of the tissues, the RF lifting in this case is no exception. Subject to the recommendations of the cosmetologist during the rehabilitation period, these consequences disappear on their own within 1-2 days.
What specialists recommend after radiofrequency lifting:
- consumes enough water per day, ie about 1. 5–2 liters. Please note that this means that purified or mineral water, tea and coffee are not counted;
- don't touch your face with dirty hands and unnecessarily;
- do not use cosmetics, face powders and decorative foundations for the first time;
- solarium, sunbathing and peeling are still prohibited;
- saunas, baths, hot baths and the eventual steaming of blankets are worth giving up. The same goes for intense physical activity, sport. The fact is that with sweat, particles of dirt, sweat can get into the skin and lead to inflammatory processes, complications;
- refrain from alcoholic beverages.
Attention!To avoid skin pigmentation in the first 1-2 months after lifting, you should apply sunscreen before each outing, trying to avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Taking antiviral drugs is a preventive measure during the rehabilitation period, excluding herpes sores.
You can talk about the first positive changes in your skin after a session. But for a persistent and pronounced result, a course of procedures will be required. It can include up to 10 sessions, depending on the depth of the impact.
It is recommended to fully evaluate the effectiveness of RF lifting six months after the course.Cosmetologists claim that the rejuvenating effect achieved with competent and high-quality facial care will delight the patient for 2-3 years.
Skin rejuvenation through radiofrequency pulses has a number of contraindications:
- oncology, moles on the face;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- presence of implants;
- diseases of the endocrine and nervous system;
- diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, tuberculosis;
- hormonal disorders, pregnancy and lactation;
- acute acne;
- inflammation of the skin, herpes;
- infectious diseases;
- arterial hypertension;
- general malaise, weakness, fever.
It is not recommended to carry out the procedure during menstruation.The optimal time for lifting is 4-5 days after your period.
Possible consequences
The first days after exposure, the skin is more sensitive, there is a slight swelling, swelling and redness. These are normal phenomena, do not require treatment and go away on their own.

Possible complications include:
- burns blisters;
- cones;
- the effect of tissue suppression, which is accompanied by the formation of cavities on the face. Its appearance is associated with uneven heating (overheating) of skin areas, contributing to the atrophy of adipose tissue;
- the appearance of age spots;
- tissue healing;
- herpes rash.
Complications after RF lifting are an expression of insufficient experience and professionalism of a cosmetologist, neglect of existing contraindications and unfair attitude towards the preparation and rehabilitation by the client.
Pros and Cons
Radiofrequency rejuvenation belongs to the required hardware techniques.The advantages of the procedure include:
- painless from exposure, the use of anesthetic cream is rarely required;
- exclusion of damage, tissue injury;
- quick effect;
- starts the natural rejuvenation process;
- lasting result, the effect lasts up to 3 years;
- does not take much time, the procedure takes about half an hour;
- a wide range of indications;
- does not limit age and skin type;
- minimal side effects;
- the rehab period is hidden, so you can do your usual stuff, go to work.
The main disadvantage of radio wave rejuvenation is the high cost of a course of therapy.Also, for mature patients, an RF lift is not enough, the cosmetologist prescribes it as an addition to the main and more complex rejuvenation procedure.The disadvantages of this technique include an impressive list of contraindications.
Where it is best to lift: in the salon or at home
If the radiofrequency lifting is used to address some pronounced skin problems, specialist assistance will be more effective. Furthermore, the risk of complications and side effects is minimal.
For the prevention of skin aging, attenuating the minor manifestations related to age, home procedures are sufficient.But keep in mind that it is necessary to study the technology and subtleties of execution, it is recommended to undergo proper training and consult a beautician about the presence of contraindications.
The opinion of cosmetologists
Cosmetologists have a positive attitude towards radiofrequency face lifting, using it as an independent procedure or in combination with other methods of rejuvenation. The procedure is aimed at self-rejuvenation, initiating the active synthesis of one's own collagen with minimal risks of unpleasant consequences: this is always welcome.