Working principle and effect of facial massagers, types of anti-wrinkle massagers, evaluation. How to choose, what helps, advantages and disadvantages, everyone can have a massage, an expert opinion. Preparation for the procedure, how to use it yourself, duration and frequency of the procedure.
16 December 2023
Effective herbs for facial skin rejuvenation and how to use them for wrinkles.
20 March 2022
What is a face serum and what is it used for? How to choose the right serum and what is the best way to apply it to the skin? Review of effective TOP-5 pharmaceuticals from dermatologists.
22 July 2021
Who can go to the fractional laser of the skin and how much it costs.
30 May 2020
The rejuvenation of the face using a laser beam — the best option for those who are not yet ready to injections and plastic surgery. Let's see, what is the facial rejuvenation, we investigate the advantages and disadvantages of different methods.
22 April 2020